Nancy Samalin


Testimonial Letters


Child Abuse Prevention Council

Dear Nancy:

Four years ago we were very pleased with your presentation "Love and Anger, the Parental Dilemma". Our audience laughed and listened to your words of wisdom. Many requested your return and so we obliged.

Well you did it again! Your lecture given on October 19, 2004, for our Parent Talk Lecture Series was a wonderful success. You had our audience at the edge of their seats listening to all your wonderful stories and very practical advice about "Loving Without Spoiling". Your delightful style of honesty and humor makes you very believable and effective with the parents in the audience.

We believe you to be one of the finest authors and parent educators in the country. Thank you for doing such a wonderful job as our kick off speaker for this year's lecture series. We look forward to having you back again in the future.


Georgette McBreen

Georgette McBreen
Parent TalkCoordinator
Conejo Valley Adult School Parenting Program


Copyright 2005 Nancy Samalin


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